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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV

Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV
Just another update on the 1/60 Macross SF-3A Lancer II Scratch Built Project that I'm working on. Things are definitely starting to take shape. I have enough parts on hand to create a mock-up of the Lancer 2.

Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV
Included in the mock up are the fuselage, primary booster, side vernier thruster, the lower chin and rear tank like thingy. The primary booster still isn't finished though, all that's there is the cowling. The booster exhaust still has to be formed.

Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV
What I'm working on now is the dome like object at the back and the top wing. I was supposed to work on the wing today but I accidentally broke the block of plaster of paris that was going to be the wing when I was removing it from its cast. So back to the casting block for that one.
Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV
In line with this I got some new tools to help me with the project. Basically I've decided to work smarter by having the proper tools for the job. This will result in me being able to quickly finish some of the parts. The new tools I got were a hand-held router ($12), some diamond tipped bits ($8.99) and a new set of various files ($8.99).

Scratch Built 1/60 SF-3A Lancer II Part IV: scratch building tools