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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lancer II SF-3A Main Cannon

Lancer II SF-3A Main Cannon

Haven't posted in a while with regards to the 1/60 Lancer II SF-3A scratchbuild that I'm working on. Anywhoo, I've decided to outsource some of the parts, specifically the main cannon to a machine shop. This is because I didn't have the equipment to make a tapered pole and the ridges of the Main Cannon.

It was initially hard, looking for a machine shop that could make the part, given the small dimensions. I realized that being in an agricultural region means that there are only few shops that have the equipment to make that kind of detail in a piece of steel.

Macross Lancer II SF-3A Cannon

So I gave them the specs and they took a bit of tool steel and ran it through a lathe machine. Cost me about $15 for the job. I was a bit disappointed because the end part didn't come out like I expected it to. It didn't match the drawings in terms of the diameter, but they were able to follow the spacing to a tee. Still, I can live with that minor flaw.

The next part of the task is to make a mold out of Silicon Rubber then cast it in resin. This I'm doing now.