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Monday, December 14, 2009

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

Update: Almost a year after this build, I actually decided to retouch this model kit, as seen here.

Had some time to take pictures of the 1/100 Gundam Kyrios that I finished assembling a few weeks back. No fancy DSLR camera, just your basic point and shoot. Though I do usually use the macro and portrait mode when taking pictures. I also adjust the exposure of the camera to make it more sensitive to light resulting in a brighter picture.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

These pictures were taken at our dining table, for a background I use two white cardboard sheets. I'm not actually proud of these pictures because I've had better shots before.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

The best shots of mine are usually taken at 4pm outside the house. Since it was night time already, had to make do with the dining room lights.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

A photographer friend was the one who recommended to us to take pictures at 3PM onwards because the softness of the natural light is best at that time. After some experimentation (and a lot of pictures taken), my wife and I came to the conclusion that 4~5PM was the best time to take pictures. I even tried taking shots at 6AM~10AM, but nothing compares with 4PM light.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

My hands are obviously shaking badly. I should really get a tripod already. I found out that too close shots results in blurry pictures because the force of pushing down on the shoot button results in the camera shaking. Before I could get away with this by using the timer function of the camera instead of manually pressing on the shoot button.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

I actually took a lot of pictures but because of my badly shaking hand I had to ditch them. Time to get that tripod!, or lay off of the coffee... hehehe

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures

The previous installment of this post could be found here.

1/100 Gundam Kyrios Assembly Final Pictures