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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Master Grade Rick Dias ver 2.0

I've decided to re-do the painting of the Master Grade Rick Dias I built a few months back. The reason being that the coat of Future I painted on the kit didn't really solve the paint stripping issue I was facing. Initially I thought it was just the red paint, turns out also the black paint had the same problem. Its only the Pylox Metallic Graphite that's not having any problem with sticking to the model kit.

Master Grade Rick Dias ver 2.0

So I'm going to strip the paint off the Rick Dias using a file then wet sand it with 1000 grit sandpaper to remove the scratches. Afterwards coat it with plastic primer then re-apply the colors.

I've already stripped the paint off the Clay Bazooka, it was easy too because of the stripping problem. By now I decided to call it a day already and continue the work tomorrow, hence the reason too why I don't have pictures of the stripped down Clay Bazooka in this post *snicker*

Part II of this Rebuild is continued here.