The iconic ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam of Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed Destiny. This time re-released as a Master Grade model differentiated from the regular MG Strike Freedom by being dubbed as the Full Burst Mode version.
This version of the Strike Freedom has gold coated parts, effect parts for the Dragoons and a blue base stand. It also has styrene rods for the Dragoon parts so that the builder can pose the Dragoons separately from the Strike Freedom giving the illusion of flight. Its also slightly more expensive than the regular MG Strike Freedom model kit. That's the effect of gold plating for you *snicker*
Instruction Manual
DOWNLOAD MANUALColor Guide (#Ads) (#Disclaimer)
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode main body etc white part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode chest, etc dark gray part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode feet, etc blue part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode antenna etc yellow part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode chin, etc red part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode beam rifle etc blue gray part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode rail gun etc blue gray part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode each sensor etc sky blue part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode eyes clear yellow part:
MG Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Mode head sensor clear blue part:
kira yamato skin color:
kira yamato normal suit's blue part:
kira yamato normal suit's white part:
kira yamato normal suit's red part:
kira yamato hair brown part:
lacus clyne skin color:
lacus clyne clothes white part:
lacus clyne clothes dark gray part:
lacus clyne clothes purple part:
lacus clyne clothes pink part:
lacus clyne hair, etc dark pink part:
lacus clyne hair decoration yellow part:
lacus clyne hair "dome" red part:
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Construction Manual and Color Guide for the MG Strike Freedom Full Burst Mode was translated to English from the Japanese manual posted at Dalong's Model Kit review site.