Just more shots of the rebuild. Part II of this rebuild could be found here. Next step of this build will be adding decals or stickers again... haven't really decided yet. Next part of this rebuild can be found here.
The bad news during this sequence is that I broke this little stub off. Never realized how fragile it was.
That part, connects to this.
Which is responsible for pushing this out.
Anyhoo, more shots of the panel lining done with the 0.5 mm mechanical pencil. This was already coated with Bosny Clear flat.
This kit is a trip down memory lane for a year back. Was a noob in mecha modelling. I see a lot of left over sprues on the VF-25G because I didn't have my bevy of files. Didn't really have the tools nor the army of spray cans either then because I was just starting out.
I did build model kits before when I was a kid, so I couldn't really say that I lacked experience. But for lack of funds all I could really afford were the kits...well my Mom anyway. I had the odd spray paint now and then, but mostly I had Tamiya enamels to paint my kits with. Common colors were white, black, silver, olive drab, flesh, red and yellow. Since I built 1/48 aircraft kits, I mostly used a black pentel pen marker for my detailing activities.
Some shots of the sniper rifle of the VF-25G