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Thursday, May 26, 2011

GI Joe Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing Craft that was released by Hasbro as part of their GI Joe Real American Hero toy line up in 1985. Purpose of the craft was for night time stealth insertions.

Cobra Night Landing

I tried my best to clean the toy up for this review but I just found it too difficult. Compounding the difficulty was the fact that some of the plastic parts became brittle already due to age so I was afraid to apply force in cleaning it least I break it. Specifically at the outboard motor stem that connects it to the craft which I noticed only had alread broken off at the stem due to the brittle plastic.

Cobra Night Landing

According to the literature that came with the toy, the landing craft is of an auto-inflate nylon/polyskin material that makes it bullet proof. The engine shroud is also bullet proof and covers a 42 HP fuel injected outboard motor. Aside from the motor it also has 2 carbon-fiber oars on the side. The craft is also armed with a .45 caliber machine gun mounted at the front of the craft.

Cobra Night Landing

Some of the accessories that come with this toy

Two Way Communications Radio
Cobra Night Landing

The back part of the Radio is actually hollow
Cobra Night Landing

Continued in the succeeding pages.

Extended Barrel 12mm Submachine Gun. This gun actually looks like a Swedish K
Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

Light Weight Titanium Knife
Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

Light Weight Fiberglass shovel
Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

Cobra EELS figure is not included with this toy, but for the purpose of illustration used it for this photo shoot
Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

Cobra Night Landing

This toy can actually float if you can plug the small hole near the stem connecting the outboard motor to the craft. Which is what I did with a little slab of clay *snicker*

Cobra Night Landing