Monday, August 8, 2011
1/60 GBP-1S Armor Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie by Yamato Toys
Update: Translated the manual already of the 1/60 GBP-1S to English, you can find it here.
Got this from HobbyLink Japan, the 1/60 GBP-1S Armor Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie Transformable by Yamato Toys. This is just the GBP-1S armor parts and does not include a 1/60 VF-1 Valkyrie ver 2 from Yamato Toys. I used my 1/60 VF-1S Valkyrie (DYRL version) to serve as a model for this armor unit. This armor unit can be installed on any 1/60 VF-1 Valkyrie ver 2 that was made by Yamato Toys.
This armor unit first appeared in Episode 9 of the original SDF Macross Anime that came out in the early 80's. The original wearer of this armor unit in the anime was Hikaru Ichijo in his VF-1J Valkyrie. This armor unit can only be worn in Battroid mode and cannot allow the wearer to transform his Variable Fighter to either Fighter or Gerwalk mode. It has however a quick release function that allows it to be ditched quickly when the need arises.
The GBP-1S Armor unit offers added protection to the wearer and is armed to the teeth with micro missiles that are stored in the shoulders, arms, waist and various compartments in the lower legs. This version of the GBP-1S by Yamato Toys faithfully recreates the one that is found in the anime.
As with my previous reviews, I will put the negatives in first. So the first quality issue I found in this kit is a slight smudge on the painting of the vernier in one of the lower leg armor pieces. No biggie.
Second problem found is a design issue. The lower leg's inner armor unhinges easily allowing the armor to break apart. Nothing that strip of paper won't easily fix. The leg armor breaks up into four parts in order to allow the toy to recreate the scene where Hikaru Ichijo ditches his GBP-1S armor
But like I said before in previous reviews of Yamato Toys products, the Macross toys produced by Yamato Toys try to be as true to the original design in the anime series so certain compromises had to be made in exchange for accuracy. And the compromise of course has been durability. If Yamato Toys decided to design this to be durable its price would probably be astronomical also.
In a nutshell, Macross Toys by Yamato have to be treated as display units that shouldn't be played with. The attention to detail by Yamato and the superb craftmanship that stays true to the design of the toy to the anime is what makes this a great toy for me.
More of the review continued on the next page.
Completed Shots
GPB-1S with all missile hatches closed
GPB-1S with missile hatches open
1/60 VF-1S w/ GPB-1S meets older relative: 1/55 VF-1S w/ GPB-1S
Box Shots
Some box shots of the GBP-1S. No flip to cover on this one, just your garden variety box. Here's a picture of the front of the box, a ruler was added for reference
Side of the box
A picture of the shorter side of the box
Back of the box
Close-up of the back of the box
Inner box removed to show the vacuum formed package.
At the underside of the Inner box is where a small plastic bag is taped which houses the sticker, the manual and some slip of paper with some piece of instruction that I have yet to translate *snicker*
Incase you are wondering whats printed on the bottom of the inner box
Plastic bag with manual & sticker
Back of the plastic bag
1/60 GBP-1S for VF-1S installation manual
Stickers for the 1/60 GBP-1S
Stand attachment
Yamato calls this a Hatch Cover. Its purpose is to fill the gap on the back of the neck that is clearly visible after transformation to Battroid mode
Here's the reverse side of the Hatch Cover
Like the Hatch Covers, these covers are used to cover up the gaps at the side of the chest
GPB-1S Armor Components
This part might get boring as it is long as I breakdown the different components that make up the GPB-1S
Leg Armor
Chest Armor
Unlike the previous Chest Armor design found in the 1/55 GBP-1S that covered the front, back and encompassed the hips, the 1/60 version by Yamato Toys is a single piece covering the front chest only with a separate part to cover the waist.
Waist Armor
Waist armor breaks up into 7 separate pieces
Rear Back Pack Booster Unit
Shoulder Armor
The shoulder armor acts also as a receptacle for a nest of micro missiles.
Forearm Armor
The Forearm armor breaks up into 3 separate pieces. The toy comes with its own set of hands. You'd think that its the same as the spare set of hands that come with any 1/60 VF-1 Valkyrie but it isn't. Instead of a positive nub, it has a hole where the post from the forearm armor is connected.
Spare Hands
As mentioned above, the spare hands of the GBP-1S are different from that included in the box of the ordinary VF-1 Valkyrie's. It has a hole instead of a post which is used to connect it to the forearm armor.
Foot Armor
Always liked this gimmick done by Yamato for the foot of the VF-1. The GBP-1S comes with 2 sets of foot armors
Putting the GBP-1S Together
I started by pulling the head off of the 1/60 VF-1S Valkyrie to make snapping of the hatch cover easier.
Hatch cover snaps into place and covers the gap snugly
Next step was to snap on the side covers of the chest. Took me a minute to figure it out but found out that it snaps into place at the same part where the bar snaps into place during Fighter mode. Yamato thought of everything, cool!
Just had to pause and admire this awesome option part covers from Yamato Toys
For the next part, I broke up the waist armor in order to fit it into the VF-1S
Steel underwear!
Next snapped on the foot armors
Then the Leg armors go in
Afterwards is the lone chest armor
Forearm armor comes next
Silly me, forgot to tuck in the hands first inside its compartment at the forearm.
Shoulder armor easily snaps on the shoulder part
1st to last step is to slide in the rear back pack booster unit
Last step is to install the hands, I chose the gun hand on the right and closed fist type on the left
Then of course attached the gunpod that came with the 1/60 VF-1S Valkyrie DYRL version