Released in 2004 by Bandai was the Super Deformed variant of the Blitz Gundam from the Gundam Seed Anime series. The Blitz Gundam was piloted by Nicol Amalfi from ZAFT. The Blitz was one of the Gundams stolen by a cadre of ZAFT commandos from the Earth Federations hidden development site. The Blitz has the Mirage Colloid system that allow it to be invisible to the naked eye as well as from other electronic sensors. During its invisible mode however it is very susceptible to attack as it renders the armor of the Blitz useless.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Bandai SD Blitz Gundam English Manual
Released in 2004 by Bandai was the Super Deformed variant of the Blitz Gundam from the Gundam Seed Anime series. The Blitz Gundam was piloted by Nicol Amalfi from ZAFT. The Blitz was one of the Gundams stolen by a cadre of ZAFT commandos from the Earth Federations hidden development site. The Blitz has the Mirage Colloid system that allow it to be invisible to the naked eye as well as from other electronic sensors. During its invisible mode however it is very susceptible to attack as it renders the armor of the Blitz useless.