Released last year by Bandai for their Real Grade line was the Wing Gundam Zero EW of Hero Yuii from the Gundam Wing Anime series.
I remember going through some hobby shops in 2000 in Japan and being fascinated by the PG Wing Gundam, because of it's massive size and angelic wings. I had an inkling already about Gundams at that time but didn't really know much about the story. It was only when I watched Zeta Gundam that I was introduced to the entire Gundam Franchise. After watching that that was then the time that I got hooked on Gundams, so yeah Zeta Gundam and its corresponding mecha has a special place in my heart. I guess to most people in North America Wing Gundam is their entry point into the Gundam Franchise, because it was aired extensively there (from what I heard).
Color Guide (#Ads) (#Disclaimer)
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW main body etc white part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW main body etc light gray part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW main body etc blue part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW chest etc dark blue part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW abdomen etc red part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW antenna etc yellow part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW twin buster rifle etc dark gray part:
RG Wing Gundam Zero EW abdomen etc clear green part:
Hero Yui face etc:
Hero Yui hair etc dark brown part:
Hero Yui upper shirt etc blue part:
Hero Yui inner etc green part:
Hero Yui jeans etc light blue part:
Hero Yui shoes etc brown part:
Useful Pages
Instruction Manual
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